The third single from ST 2 Lettaz's March album, The G...The Growth & Development (following "Trillmatic" and "The Crown") is "Green Light District," an ode to "weed and drink" fitted with an appropriately foggy video. Like the best impulses of ST's former group G-Side, who broke up in September, it makes a lot out of a little. Set in one room, ST is surrounded by his friends, plus some evil college-dorm party atmosphere, thanks to plenty of smoke, frantic rays of light, and everybody turn-up-hands-ing to the squishy, trap-tinged Block Beattaz production. In between the weed shout-outs (and zingers about how wack your stuff is), ST jokes that he was rejected from the kind of colleges that now pay him to perform, and boasts about how full his Gmail inbox is at the moment. Also, the way he says "garbage" when he raps, "That shit you got is garbage" is really rewarding. It's just more evidence, if you even needed it, that even after G-Side, ST remains charismatically down to earth. What ya'll think? Spin it or Scratch it?